Monday, September 27, 2010

A Fummy Bideo

There is probably nothing more fantastic than getting some cavities filled in the morning before work and then feeling like a goober the next couple of hours while the Novocain wears off. Seriously awesome. In honor of that I have decided to post this.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What Not To Do

I found this. A list of the 100 worst songs ever. Did I decide to ignore the warning bells going on in my brain saying "Danger! Danger!" and listen to most of these gems? Yes, yes I did. Am I more susceptible than most to songs getting wedged in my brain space, between the nooks and crannies? Yes I am. Could doing something like this be the catalyst to a downward spiral into insanity? Quite possibly. Do I secretly like some of the songs on this list? ..................... Yes (don't judge!)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Things I know

Every time I wear pointy toed shoes, it hits me: My feet are not pointy like the toes of these shoes!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Verrrrrrrrry Interesting

I don't have any student loans and after reading this I am all the more grateful.