Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What I Read

Flowers for Algernon - About a mentally handicapped man who becomes brilliant after an experimental operation. I liked the premise of the story and don't get me wrong it was good, but not amazing. It made you think and gave helped you see things from a different viewpoint but something was missing. I didn't like the end or what the main character gleaned from his experience. It wasn't the uplifting book I feel like it should have been.

Who I Am

The gum chewing equivalent of a chain smoker

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

My idea of fun would be to pit disney characters against each other in boxing matches. I believe princess Jasmine has what it takes to win in the lightweight category. I want to believe that Dumbo would be the heavyweight champ, I mean he is an elephant, but does he have the heart of a fighter? It's hard to say.....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Better Half

I have always thought it is weird when people think they wave a better side. In fact, during my short stint as a photographer, it annoyed me to no end when people were all picky about the side that got photographed. Just today though I realized that I am always turning my head to the right when I look in the mirror. Cause, well, I guess I like my left side better.
(Please don't be offended right side, I like you too. After all I would be a freak show without you!)

Friday, March 19, 2010


After watching Paper Heart, I want for Michael Cera and I to be friends. At the very least I want to be friends with Michael Cera's personality twin.....or maybe they could clone him or something cause he is famous and probably has no friend vacancies. Where would one go to find this sort of person I wonder?

True Story

I am often struck with the urge to do a hand stand. And I want to so bad it is hard for me to restrain myself when I am in public places where hand stands are not appropriate. That's not weird right?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Want One

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What I Read

I read alot and thought it would be good to start tracking what I have read, cause I forget.

The Life of Pi - This book has been popular for so long but I just barely read it. I would hear how good it was from other people and plan on reading it but then I would read the description on the back of the book and it just didn't interest me. Finally though I decided to just go for it. Aaaaaaaaand, I really liked it! It was hard to put down and I will probably read it again at some point.

Suite Francoise - Also good, I mostly liked it. The setting is France during WWII and it is stories of several different people so it jumps around alot, which always kind of annoys me (just when you get interested in a particular character it changes to a different one). Also, the writer actually died in Auschwitz (the story behind the story is just as harrowing) so it was never completed. The writers notes are included at the end of the book so you know what she was planning for the story, which made me feel better otherwise it definitely leaves you hanging. Anyways, sad but very well written, if you like that sort of thing.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just Thinking

It's probably a good thing I don't have any kids because that means I can't name some poor soul 'Buster' or 'Princess Peach'. In my defense though these names really roll off the tongue in a pleasing manner.

P.S. On a different note - Where on earth did the word tongue come from?? Whats that ue doing there at the end! (It just struck me as I was writing tongue up there)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

In A Perfect World

You would get to throw a pie in someone's face if they made you mad. I think this would lead to world peace. I think it should be incorporated into our foreign diplomatic policies. Before you know it the Israelis and Palestinians would just laugh off the whole hating each others guts thing they have going on. Pie in the face is the universal language that transcends all cultural differences.

How To Amuse Me

This commercial makes me laugh without fail. I know for sure because last night I was running on the treadmill at the gym when it came on and I laughed out loud (causing me to feel somewhat embarrassed) . Its the lion that gets me every time.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh The Humanity!

I just read The Life of Pi. It was great! I would recommend it to anyone but would also like to warn you that doing so may result in a dream where you come home to find your brother mauled by your pet tiger that you forgot to tell him about (What was Russ doing at my house anyways I don't even know! Any how did he know the garage code??) Also, some random monkey has been eaten by the tiger. It was gross.

I felt guilty all morning for not telling Russ about the tiger. I texted him that I was sorry and he was understandably still pretty upset. Also, he said it was his monkey that was eaten by my tiger :( Maybe I will build him a cake or something.....

I Heart Text Messaging

I think this explains perfectly why I don't love/like talking on the phone. In any way. Ever.

Something I Know

In times of great need, you can use paperclips in place of bobby pins. You're welcome.