Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What I Read

I read alot and thought it would be good to start tracking what I have read, cause I forget.

The Life of Pi - This book has been popular for so long but I just barely read it. I would hear how good it was from other people and plan on reading it but then I would read the description on the back of the book and it just didn't interest me. Finally though I decided to just go for it. Aaaaaaaaand, I really liked it! It was hard to put down and I will probably read it again at some point.

Suite Francoise - Also good, I mostly liked it. The setting is France during WWII and it is stories of several different people so it jumps around alot, which always kind of annoys me (just when you get interested in a particular character it changes to a different one). Also, the writer actually died in Auschwitz (the story behind the story is just as harrowing) so it was never completed. The writers notes are included at the end of the book so you know what she was planning for the story, which made me feel better otherwise it definitely leaves you hanging. Anyways, sad but very well written, if you like that sort of thing.

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