Friday, May 21, 2010

Ways In Which I am Going Green

It is all the rage to 'Go Green' these days, people want to do their part to save the environment and I am no different. I have made a list of the ways in which I will be going green.

Way #1
Using tree bark in place of toilet paper, post-it notes, paper towels, feminine hygeine products and plastic cutlery

Way #2
Only washing clothes when they are really dirty. If I haven't been mud wrestling or hanging out in a sweat lodge for extended periods, I will just re-wear!

Way #3
I will be making my own gasoline using discarded aluminum cans and used twisty ties. Science has not proven this can be done yet, but I am confident that with the proper go-getter attitude this is possible!

Way #4
I will harness the energy of Justin Beiber's popularity among the pre-teen set to power my electronics

Way #5
I will install a fire pit in my living room for cooking and lighting purposes (and to add to the overall aesthetic)

Way #6
To shrink my carbon footprint, I will do the equivalent of the ancient Chinese tradition of foot binding to, said carbon footprint, by not showing. Although this may hinder my relationships, with - friends, family, cashiers at grocery stores, etc. I am all about taking one for the team!


misty girl said...

To #1 I say a big ouchhh! Let me know how that works out for ya

Kimmy said...

I may just skip #1.....