Friday, February 26, 2010


I have decided that funny is the new handsome.

What I mean by this is that I think I prefer funny guys over handsome. Of course I am right but I also have the means to prove it. Please see exhibit A.

The more I watch, the more I am in love.

P.S. Why is it that only at the moments when your car is its most dirty and gross smelling do people either: A.) request rides or B.) borrow said car??

Right now my car is not... How you say?.....Tidy. Not at all. There is a trash bag in the front passenger area that is bursting at the seams. On top, barely hanging on, are banana and grapefruit peelings (thats right I said grapefruit peelings. I eat grapefruits like an orange OK? So sue me.), on the passenger seat are loads of papers that I have been hauling around cause I have some matters that I am "taking care of" and never know when I will "need" them. There are probably tupperware containers and maybe a pair of shoes chillin' with the papers. Also, in the back are a bunch of books I need to take to this bookstore and a plethora of bags, in disarray, to be used for grocery shopping (Translation: It looks like there was a small explosion in my back seat).

Barry rides his bike to work and if he needs a car he will use Landon's. Landon isn't here today. He asked to use my car. Not a problem, but I didn't have time to sneak down and clean it! Holy sad face batman! I told him it was a mess and not to judge me but, I think we can all agree that, judgments sometimes happen even when people have asked us not to judge. Just saying.

Barry did tell me a embarrassing, messy car story of his own, which made me feel, sort of better. Then I remembered how loud my radio is blaring so when he started the car it was probably "a bit of a shock". At least I wasn't listening to anything embarrassing like musical show tune soundtracks (not that I ever, ever would). So, for that I can be grateful. What is sad is that my car was so clean! (*mumble* six weeks ago *mumble*) Why couldn't it have been then!?

I decided that my only consolation would be to google "messy cars".  I have to say this made me feel better.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spiritual Thought

I like to listen to conference talks while I am doing things that don't require a lot of concentration at work. Its a good reminder of how to live, since I always seem to be forgetting (darn human frailties!). Today I was listening to a talk by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, it was from the April 2005 conference and is called The Virtue of Kindness. I guess I am kind of a sensitive soul so I have always felt very strongly about treating people with kindness, not that I am especially good at it but I do try. I think if people were more kind to each other amazing things would happen. Elder Wirthlin seems like the kindest sort of person imaginable and he is so humble. He talked about people that criticize a lesson or talk or an activity or church event, etc. and how we may believe that this type of practice doesn't cause any harm, but really can and does. This quote stood out to me:

'When you're criticising people in the church, you are weakening the church'

Those are pretty strong words and weakening the church is not something I really want to be guilty of. I have definitely found myself in this mode before and need to remember that this is not helpful or constructive to anyone in any way.

He also encouraged us to ask ourselves:

'How am I doing to help others reach their potential?'

It is truly where our focus should be and I know I am happiest when this is where my thoughts are centered.
I Also like these other quotes I came across on the subject. Henry James said:

'Three things in human life are important: The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind."

In a general conference address Elder Hartman Rector said we must do three things to endure to the end:

1. Continue to repent
2. Continue to forgive others for the rest of our lives
3. We must be nice!
"I do not believe there will be anyone in the Celestial kingdom that is not nice"

Anyways, I just like to write down my spiritual musings because I feel like they will stay with me longer (sort of like taking notes in class), so I will be adding them regularly I think...


I like my job in a big way. When people ask me why I don't explain very well why (verbal communication has always been a bit of a struggle for me), I sort of draw a blank. But here are the reasons I like my job so much:

My sweet office.
If we are going to be specific it is the corner office FYI. I like that it has mustard colored yellow chairs from the 70's. They apologized about the chairs when I started, but I think they are charming, very vintage cool in my opinion. I love that it is super clean and tidy and I have a little tree in the corner. If it were to get a feng shui rating I think it would get an A! I have a really good smelling air freshener, every day when I walk in my office it makes me feel happy. I like the picture of Kimbo Slice on my wonder wall and door. Barry and Landon nicknamed me Kimbo and then Landon printed them for me (in color!) I like the huge desk and second desk also and my mahogany bookcase (thats right, mahogany).

Barry & Landon
They are super fly! They are like two big brothers who are nice and chill. I work/interact with them almost exclusively and when I very first started I was a little concerned because I could tell they were pretty tight and I didn't think they would let me be apart of their boys club. I think that my background in having brothers was a big asset here, because before I knew it I had a nickname, Landon was printing me pictures of Kimbo Slice for my door and Barry was bringing me canned goods (he noticed I didn't partake of any junk food offered so he bought me some canned peaches and sardines in mustard sauce, melted my heart it did). I was hoping when I was looking for a job that I would get to work with men as opposed to women, they are so much easier to work with in my opinion. No drama or backbiting. In fact they both have a sign in their office that designates their office as a 'No Drama' zone. Love it!

Small, Mormon, Family Business
When I interviewed they asked if this would be a problem and I told them emphatically that I preferred this. Big corporate-type atmospheres are not my bag, not a place for my stick it to the man inner hippyness. No thanks. I like that three generations work here. That the oldest is a stake patriarch, my boss leaves early every Friday to work at the temple and if you need an Ensign or want to peruse the church news, look no further than the copy room. Also, I have a lot of respect for my boss and his dad and brother - they are kind and fair and unassuming. My previous boss was also Mormon and was none of these things, I didn't have a great deal of respect for him and it is so much nicer when that is not the case!

Easy to get to and in a good part of town. The building we are in is Beau Ti Ful and we are on a golf course with a lake (aesthetics is obviously something I care about deeply). We also have underground covered parking and are 2 seconds away from a Target (is it weird that I consider that a perk?). Also close to Pei Wei, Sprouts, Guitar Center, Home Depot, my bank and other lovely retail establishments :)

When I forgot to ask for time off, for my brothers wedding (!!!) until the week before. When I did ask it was not a problem at all. No one made me feel like a retarded child.

I know these aren't the typical person's pro list for a job. I am not really one to care about insurance or 401K's or anything which is kind of weird I suppose but there you have it.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Today at work B came up with the idea of having a vocabulary competition. We are each to come up with 10 vocab words and the one who can use them most in conversation over the next week or something wins. My list is ready to go, here it is in all its glory!

Mollify (to soothe)
Accede (to agree)
Irksome (wearisome)
Nominal (trivial)
Agglomerate (to pile/heap together)
Pandemonium (riotous uproar)
Conjecture (to guess)
Albeit (even though)
Peevish (irritable)
Terminus (the final point or goal)

Oh the smartness of the words I shall be speaking!

Fashion Trends

Just thinking about the fact that I hated, HATED skinny jeans when they came back in style and now I live in them and am not shy to defend their awesomeness. Can it be assumed from this that I lack integrity and am flaky?

I also hated bell bottoms when they came back and vowed never to wear them... A couple months later I was wearing the bell bottomiest bell bottoms know to man (I remember taking great pains to procure a white pair with shiny silver buttons running down the length of the bell bottom. No joke!).
Don't even get me started about my love affair with the colored tight trend, and the bright yellow pair I wore to church last week AND my brothers wedding (which caused people's eyes to burn if they looked at them directly).

Yes, I think it can be assumed that I am easily won over by fashion trends. This is why we should all hope the grunge look doesn't resurface anytime soon, cause you KNOW I will jump on that wagon. No showering for a few days? Sign me up! Haha just kidding! (but kind of serious)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

It is an ongoing goal of mine to go to the gym before work. This morning I decided to get serious about this goal so woke up at 5:30am and rolled out of bed to go. I was really prepared this time to combat all the excuses that I am brilliant at coming up with at this hour of the day ('It's cold and dark outside, I'm tired, my bed feels so delightful, if I go I'll have to wear socks!' etc...). I had a no excuses mind set, I knew exactly what I routine I was going to do when I got there and had decided to sleep in my workout clothes and when I woke up just go, not doing anything to make myself presentable. (This sounds weird but I am very sloth-like in the morning and before I know it, its too late for me to go cause it has taken me 2 hours to wash my face and pick out my gym clothes). Anyways, I truly just rolled out of bed, literally, put on my tennis shoes and left. Aaaaand here is what happened when I walked through the door.
I go up to the counter to tell the gym guy my membership code. I say good morning. The gym guy looks at me, laughs and asks how I am. Tired?
Me: Maybe a little, I basically am not good at mornings and I may or may not have just rolled out of bed.
Him: Haha, I can tell.

Shucks! I guess I looked a 'little' disheveled. I sucked it up and tried not to care, but tomorrow maybe I will brush my hair or something.....