Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spiritual Thought

I like to listen to conference talks while I am doing things that don't require a lot of concentration at work. Its a good reminder of how to live, since I always seem to be forgetting (darn human frailties!). Today I was listening to a talk by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, it was from the April 2005 conference and is called The Virtue of Kindness. I guess I am kind of a sensitive soul so I have always felt very strongly about treating people with kindness, not that I am especially good at it but I do try. I think if people were more kind to each other amazing things would happen. Elder Wirthlin seems like the kindest sort of person imaginable and he is so humble. He talked about people that criticize a lesson or talk or an activity or church event, etc. and how we may believe that this type of practice doesn't cause any harm, but really can and does. This quote stood out to me:

'When you're criticising people in the church, you are weakening the church'

Those are pretty strong words and weakening the church is not something I really want to be guilty of. I have definitely found myself in this mode before and need to remember that this is not helpful or constructive to anyone in any way.

He also encouraged us to ask ourselves:

'How am I doing to help others reach their potential?'

It is truly where our focus should be and I know I am happiest when this is where my thoughts are centered.
I Also like these other quotes I came across on the subject. Henry James said:

'Three things in human life are important: The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind."

In a general conference address Elder Hartman Rector said we must do three things to endure to the end:

1. Continue to repent
2. Continue to forgive others for the rest of our lives
3. We must be nice!
"I do not believe there will be anyone in the Celestial kingdom that is not nice"

Anyways, I just like to write down my spiritual musings because I feel like they will stay with me longer (sort of like taking notes in class), so I will be adding them regularly I think...

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